Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Discipleship: A Legacy of Influence

John 12:24--Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Wimpy women live only for themselves. But strong woman are life givers, leaving a legacy that impacts the world! 

Sophomore year, I went to a conference with a collegiate ministry, mainly because it  was at the beach and my friends would be there. I don't remember who the speaker was or what he spoke on. But i do remember after one of the sessions, making a bee line for the beach around 10pm.  I remember God challenging me with the verse above and just being cut to the heart. If I didn't die to myself, I wouldn't have a lasting impact. But if I died to myself, God could use my life to impact generations of people.  And I just cried and cried. I heard the Lord calling me to die to my little dreams, my little life plans, my American dream, and to let him take over.  He was saying, like he said to the rich young ruler in Mark--Rachel, will you sell all you have and follow me? And I sat on the beach  until about midnight just praying and  processing what this meant.
One story comes to mind as I wrestled with this decision. Its a story of a loving Dad who gives his 6 year old daughter as strand of fake pearls for her birthday. The daughter loved those pearls (even though they were of little value) and she would wear them every day. She wore them to school, in the pool, while playing soccer, while trying on dress up clothes, even to bed. Then one day, her dad said to her, "Daughter, I have a surprise for you! Its something that you will love! Its something beyond what you can even imagine!" The little girl squealed with delight! "Daddy! Can you give it to me now?" And he said, "Honey, I can definitely give it to you know. But one thing. This gift will cost you your pearls." The little girl looked at him with horror and said "No! I don't want you to have my pearls" and she ran to her room. As she sat there, she thought "I love my pearls! My dad knows this! Why would he ask me to give them to him?" As she sat there, she thought, there are two things I know: My dad loves me and If he says it will be better and worth it, then it must be better and worth it." So she went back to her dad and said "Dad, I will give you my pearls! And with tears in her eyes and a slowly opening first, she dropped her fake pearls into his hand. Then her Dad looked at her and loved her and said "Thank you for trusting me." And he put in her now open hand the gift. A strand of real, authentic pearls that he bought especially for her.
For me, the wrestling on the beach was to give up my fake pearls, for the real pearls. And that night, I let the fake pearls slip out of of my hand and received the peace that the Lord was going to give me something better! And how amazing! He really has! 
A wimpy women lives only for herself and her dreams. She is quick to brush asides sacrificing anything. She closes her ears to God’s voice. She holds her dreams with a closed clenched fist. But a strong woman says..I trust my father. I want the real life..the real pearls. And Jesus says..yes! Give up that small idea of life and I will give you real life..lasting that produces many seeds.
One way this looks is for us to be Life Givers.
Discipleship--Obviously, every woman is physically designed to be a life giver, in that we can birth babies. But I think we can also carry this out into other aspects of our lives.

Right now you are not bringing children into the world physically. But part of being a life giver is raising up Godly generations and discipling women in their walks with God! There are millions of Christians in this world, but few women that take up the call to be Disciple Makers. 

There are plenty of pew sitters and women that can plan ladies desserts and craft nights, but we need women who will take on the raising up of the next generation. Will you be that woman?  Rise up women! And raise up other women with you!! The task at hand is every Tribe tongue people and language for the glory of God. 

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." ~Matt 28:19-20

Will you help someone in her walk with God? Will you get help from an older woman who can teach you how to help another women with their walk with God? This it not just a Navigator calling, nor is it just a calling for college. 

Embrace this and pray for Godly generations out of your life. Let go of your small life plans, die to yourself, and embrace the call of discipling and being discipled. And see the Nations come to know the Lord. Be part of a larger grander purpose!

Picture from
A wimpy woman has no long term impact. But a strong woman leaves a legacy of influence.
This blog brought to you by Laguna Beach Retreat Center, where I left my fake pearls for some real ones.

1 comment:

  1. If you would like some great resources on How to disciple, check out my friend Lauren's blog
