As we've driven, we've documented; as we've traveled, we've snapped pictures, and here is a little glimpse into our crazy fun trip:)
So today we ventured to lands I have never been before...HELLO M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I .....RIVER!! So the nerd in me was uber excited to see the river that Louis and Clark adventured down so long ago, even if it was dark haha. But that was not even the most exciting part of today! Today we got to see God provide in some really cool ways, through traveling safety in the rain to a free pizza diner! It has been really neat to see God's varying and beautiful earth as we travel and I am so excited to see more tomorrow! So with a hop, a skip and a jump on to Colorado!!
Western destination: Colorado. This trip is the farthest Northwest I have ever journeyed, the longest road-trip I have ventured to travel, and quite possibly the most adventurous automobile excursion I have experienced thus far. I would have to say that our roadside oddity sitings have been a highlight; from Schnitzer the giant pig in Alabama, to a car-sized metal rooster. Not to mention our stop at the Mooseum. Taxidermy cattle, a creepy yet informative cowboy mannequin, and some phenomenal photo ops involving a decorative van and cowboy gear made up our visit. Prayer time, fellowship, and sunsets finished out our first two days; I am anticipating fun times ahead!
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