Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Need of the Hour

Feeling hopeful and expectant of this new year, which is well under way, I have many thoughts of how to live differently, live wiser, live more. Not only these thoughts, but I have been thinking alot about what are we living for exactly.

In light of this, I decided to listen to a very old lecture/sermon from a man who in his day, pin pointed well not only what he was living for, but really what is worth living for. The lecture is titled "The Need of the Hour"; the man, Dawson Trotman. (http://turret2.discipleshiplibrary.com/AA065.mp3)

Some know him as the founder of a large Christian ministry called the Navigators. Some know him as a man that drowned tragically in his 50's saving a drowning girl from a lake. But more than his accomplishments and death, his life is one to be observed, admired and modeled as he was a man that "took God at His word and staked all he had on His promises."

What stuck out to me most as I listened to his sermon is that not only did He pray...He prayed BIG. And not only did He pray BIG..but He saw the fruition of many of his prayers. He prayed that God would send people to labor in all 50 states..and 3 or 4 years later..he could track men he had influenced in every state. He also prayed over a world map, and now, not even 60 years after his ministry started, there are ministries that came out of his influence, in at least 110 of 195 countries throughout the globe.

And this spurs me on to think, what can I pray for? What is something beyond my imagination that God can do? And do I believe Him to do it?

"The world is before you. How big is your Faith? The Need of the Hour is men [and women] who want what Jesus Christ wants and believe He wants to give them the power to do what He has asked. Nothing in the world can stop those men [and women]. Do you believe it? Do you want to be one of them? You may. But you have to ask." ~Dawson Trotman

I want to trust God like this in 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the "wheel slapping", Rachel. Looking forward to hearing about the big things you are praying for and how God works in your life this year.
